Sunday, November 21, 2010

{Lion House Rolls}

This is my 100th post!! How exciting to have that many recipes plus many more too add :)

Okay these rolls are THE BEST I have ever had!! I can not even describe their soft yummy goodness you just have to make them. I am making these for a big Thanksgiving get together with friends. Oh and I made them for dinner tonight and they are hard to resist :)

2 tablespoons active dry yeast
2 cups warm water
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter, softened
1 egg
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
2/3 cup nonfat dry milk
5-6 cups flour

In a large bowl, combine the yeast and water. Let stand 5 minutes. Then add the sugar, butter, salt, dry milk, 2 cups flour and egg. Beat together until very smooth. Add remaining flour gradually (I usually do 1/2 cup at a time) until a soft but not sticky dough is formed that you can work with. Knead the dough for at least five minutes if using an electric mixer and for at least 10 minutes if mixing the dough by hand. When the dough is smooth, place it in a lightly greased large bowl covered with greased plastic wrap and let it rise until doubled.

Separate the dough into two portions. Roll each section out to an 11X14-inch rectangle. Brush the top with melted butter. Using a pizza cutter or sharp knife, cut the dough into two pieces, the long way. Then slice the dough into five or six strips across so you end up with 10 to 12 small rectangles. Roll each small rectangle up like a snail and place on a lightly greased baking sheet with the roll resting on it’s open edge. Repeat with the second portion of dough.

Cover the rolls with lightly greased plastic wrap and let them rise until doubled. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-14 minutes until they are nicely browned.


  1. Yummers! I love these rolls.

    What are you crazy kids doing for Thanksgiving?

  2. Congrats on your 100th post! ;)

    Wonderful looking rolls. I find it so hard to resist fresh bread....there would be no hope of passing these beauties up.

  3. I just want you to know that I have just Pinned almost all of your bread recipes...and that I will be happily plump for the rest of my life because of stumbling upon these recipes. :) Thank you for posting!

  4. Looks great! My only request? Get a printer friendly button :-)

  5. I am making these RIGHT NOW. They look delicious!

  6. can you refrigerate this before letting it rise?
